Like any other aspect, it is extremely important to know what is inside the Sugar Balance supplement before one takes it. Although there are many blood sugar balance supplements on the market, all are made differently.
Sugar Balance supplement is said to have met all the safety rules and regulations by FDA. The formula is a blend of the following natural ingredients, sourced from pure and safe resources, medically researched, and clinically tested.
Astragalus Root Extract: It is popularly used in traditional Chinese medicine due to its abundant health benefits. It is said to help in managing diabetes, as it can decrease blood sugar levels and enhance sugar metabolism.
Balloon Flower Root: Native to Japan and Siberia, it has strong anti-inflammatory properties and pain-relieving properties. Apart from regulating blood pressure levels and improving heart health, it also protects the liver for boosting metabolism.
Eleuthero Root Extract: Eleuthero being an adaptogen helps to adapt to stress as it mediates the body’s stress levels. It also boosts energy levels and enhances cognitive functioning.
Licorice Root Extract: This one is said to facilitate healthy blood glucose levels and assists in weight loss. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and antimicrobial effects as well.
Lycium Berry Extract: It is popularly used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating various ailments. It is known to balance insulin and glucose levels in the blood. It also provides good quality sleep and boosts the immune system as well.
Milk Thistle Seed Extract: It has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help to improve insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
Shepherd’s Purse Stem Extract: It is commonly used in traditional medicine and supplements to treat mild heart failure and other heart conditions. It also provides relief from headaches, gastrointestinal problems, etc.
Schizandra Fruit Extract: It is said to be one of the most important ingredients in Sugar Balance. This extract balances blood sugar and blood pressure. It increases insulin sensitivity and boosts liver health as well.
Solomon’s Seal Root Extract: It is a popular herb in Chinese medicine and acts as an anti-diabetic to reduce blood sugar.
White Mulberry Leaf Extract: It is proven to reduce carbohydrate digestion and absorption as a result of which, the blood sugar and insulin levels decrease after meals. It also increases brain function, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, etc.
Wild Yam Root Extract: Wild yam is a popular natural remedy for regulating blood sugar levels. Its root has anti-aging effects and anti-cancer effects.
Sugar Balance Safety precautions:
Sugar Balance Herbal supplement is an all-natural health supplement to control the blood sugar without any side effects. You must always consult your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new supplement or diet. Always avoid contact with eyes. If you are a pregnant or Nursing woman then, you must consult with a doctor before using Sugar Balance. It is recommended to consume the preferred dosage for safe consumption.
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